Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
God Knew
UPDATE on Levi:
Here is where we stand & what the next few months might look like, so that you can all be covering him in prayer...
- Our intitial admit to the hospital was because he was not responding to oral antibiotics after almost 3 weeks. With ear infections and tonsils infected. The Pedi needed to get to the bottom of it to see what the infection was and treat him with IV antibiotics. Also we needed to see what his heart looked like since we knew he had a VSD.
- These are the tests that have been done so far: EKG, ECHO on the heart, an EEG to check for seizures, 4 sticks for an IV, chest xrays, skull xrays. And yesterday we had a picc line put in.
- the Echo showed possible Endocarditis which is rarely seen here in children. They believe that because his teeth are rotten and his mouth is full of abcesses, that the infection from his mouth gradually has spread throughout his body & is now in his heart:(
- He has a VSD, ASD and small mitral valve leak with the beginnings of pulmonary hypertension(that's for all my nurse friends)
- He is on 3 strong Antibiotics and is starting to feel much better!
- The picc line will stay in and he will get daily antibiotics for 4-6 weeks at home.
- Then we will go to Dallas Children's once there is no sign of infection to see a Pediatric Oral surgeon for his teeth(what's left of them), followed by removal of EVERYTHING in his mouth:(
- Once his mouth is healed and no signs of infection. He will have cardiac cath done to see if he is a candidate for heart surgery. If he is (We Pray he is) he will have surgery to close the VSD & ASD.
- We are still waiting to hear from Neurologist to find out if he needs seizure meds.
- And at some point we will have a CT/MRI to check for Craniosynostosis, which will require surgery if he has that as well:(
- These are the 3 major issues that need to be covered with prayer and taken care of First
- Then down the road he will have tonsils & adenoids out, tubes in ears, hernia repair.
OK. I will STOP there!!! Oye! As I read the list of things to be addressed I have such a peace. God has protected this little man. He left us with no expectations of what medical issues Levi might face. Nothing has been a shock, nothing has overwhelmed us. We just have a PEACE that God knew we could rescue him from a place where he would not have survived much longer. And we are SO thankful that God chose our family and all the friends that have loved on him and our family to be apart of this sweet boys LIFE. We are Blessed that God chose us to be his Mommy & Daddy. Let the journey continue...
We LOVE all you guys. We are so thankful for your prayers and support, and thank you for following us on this Mighty Adventure....
Update on Charlie:
- Charlie is excited about starting school on Monday!!! Someone has blessed us by paying tuition for him to attend an amazing school here called Bynum School, for children with Special Needs. We are overwhelmed by the generosity and we are Excited to see him thrive even more.
- He is Sleeping well, Adjusting to our busy life, and of course EATING well!!!
- Today he even washed his hair and his Winnie-the-Pooh in the Toilet.
- And in case your wondering? Charlie has NOT been to Dr. yet. Ha! So Let's start praying that he gets a clean bill of health!
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. ~John 14:27
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Before it's too Late...

Monday, October 18, 2010
ONE WEEK Down, A Lifetime to Go...
- Walmart, Sam's, Toys R Us
- Soccer games (4hr trip)
- Dr. appt.
- Dentist appt.
- Choir concert
- Bible Study, Church
- Mommy & Me class at gymnastics
- LOTS of riding in the car
And things we have learned about the boys...
- They both follow Mama around and get stepped on often
- They love their brothers & sisters
- They both LOVE the trampoline
- They both LOVE to go barefoot
- Charlie copies everything you do & has 8 signs he uses already
- Levi looks at you like you are a weirdo, but will sign
- Levi LOVES books
- Charlie doesn't play with toys
- Neither boys are anywhere close to being potty trained:(
- Levi sucks his thumb
- Charlie sucks his fingers/thumb & rocks himself to sleep:(
- Charlie loves any song that has movements to it
- Levi loves to push the baby stroller
- They both EAT like they are never gonna get another meal
- They both choke easily
- If anyone goes in the kitchen, they think it's time to eat(even if they just ate)
- Levi likes to be naked:)
- They both LOVE to take a bath & you get one too!
- Levi likes to put lotion on
- Charlie does NOT like lotion or putting diaper and clothes on
- Charlie is Superman Strong!
- Levi likes you to tickle his arms to go to sleep
- Charlie loves water!
- And Charlie likes to take a bath in the toilet water:(
- They are both starting to like men more
- Charlie has sucessfully learned to give a hug & kiss:)
Looking forward to all the things they will learn this week!!! Working on pictures(in my spare hope to post them soon....Love to all
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
For My Children, My Husband & My Family...
Passport Paradise!!!
Thank You to every person that has prayed us through this journey. We are grateful and humbled. We pray that in some way you have felt you were part of this adventure...because YOU were!!!!! Love & Blessings to ALL of you:)
Continued Prayer For:
- Medical Exam's in the morning
- Visa appt. at 2:00pm
- Our flight home on Saturday
We arrive Saturday Night October 9th
In Midland, Tx @ 9:35pm
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
UPDATE...Prayers Needed BIG Time!!!!!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Meeting Molly:)
The weekend has been full of activities. We have enjoyed time with other adopting families just starting the process, and other families holding their precious little ones:) Charlie & Levi have met their Aunt Molly (Momo) and I have seriously enjoyed having her here!!! We went to an english speaking church this morning and the congregation prayed over 5 families (including me) that are all here adopting. It was a sweet time of prayer and I was thankful for their love & encouragement. By the way, between those 5 families ~ 12 children will no longer be Orphans!! How cool is that!!!! Charlie really likes Molly. It didn't take him long to figure out that if Mom won't sing and dance and act like a crazy nut, then this lady over here will:) LOL Levi on the other hand, is a little slow to warm up to her. He lets her kiss his hand & finally sat next to her to play for a few minutes. But if she tries to pick him up he starts to cry and wants me. Too sweet!!
Tomorrow we will pick the boys up to take them to get scanned for their passports:) Yay! I am interested to see how they react to riding in a car for the first time! Fun Times!! Please continue to pray that everything goes smoothly tomorrow so that the passports will be ready on Wednesday. Still trusting in God's timing, knowing that He is working everything out just on HIS TIME:)
"I Love my Momo"
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Birth Certificates...Yeah Baby!!
The best part of the day yesterday... My sister-in-law Molly arrived!!! Woot! Woot! It has been so nice having someone you love with you after 3 weeks of being away from family & I am so thankful that she could come to help bring her nephews HOME:) Please pray that the paperwork process goes smoothly, and PLEASE start praying for our journey home. Ha!!! It should be an interesting trip home...
And...Yes, It does say Charlie Josiah & Levi Preston:)