Saturday's visit with the boys was GREAT!!!! My dear friend
Marianna Peipon was able to join me on my visit. What a blessing to have someone that can understand & speak the language to talk to the boys & the nannies:) We spent an hour playing outside with Charlie and then another inside playing with Levi (he had a runny nose so had to stay in). And both boys had a good time and enjoyed Mama and aunt Marianna. The best part of the morning was that Marianna was able to ask questions about both boys & the nannies were excited to be able to tell about each of them:)
Here are somethings I learned about both of them....
Charlie:Is a very good eater. Likes soups, bread, and apple peeled and sliced.
Is a good sleeper. Sucks his fingers when he sleeps
Can dress himself, feed himself
Likes to do puzzles. (Hmm..havn't seen that one yet)
Is NOT interested in potty training (Bummer)
Levi:Is a good eater. Likes soups, bread, cookies:)
Is a good sleeper but rolls around a lot(?) not sure what she meant
Wears pampers all the time
I also asked if the boys both understand that they are leaving and going HOME with me and the nannies said that they completely understand:)
Then they let me take pictures of their LIFE...

Levi's Bed
Levi's Closet

Levi's towel, cup & toothbrush

The bathroom including potty seats for each child

Charlie's Bed

16 Little Beds

The Playroom
Our boys have been blessed to be in an orphanage where they are taken care of well. Where the conditions are nice and clean and they are fed well and clean. Where they each have shoes & a warm coat to wear. Not all orphanages are like this:( We were amazed at how well taken care of the boys were. HOWEVER, they are still not held, not hugged, and still DO NOT have Mommy's & Daddy's:( So many sweet faces longing to be taken HOME to a loving family! Charlie & Levi will be the 7th & 8th child to be taken HOME from this orphanage in the past 3 months!!!! The Staff is overwhelmed at how many Loving parents are coming for these kids. Let's not stop. Consider bringing home an orphan to your home. Make a difference for that ONE child!!!
Giving God ALL the glory for where He has me RIGHT Now!!!
He must become greater; I must become less. ~John 3:30